NY Gov. Hochul: Rules for Thee But Not For Me-Uses Gas Stove While Pushing Ban on The Little People
Added 01-23-23 01:02:03pm EST - “Image: Screenshot @wonderfulprj/Twitter New York Governor Kathy Hochul ? is fully behind the Biden Regime's push to ban gas stoves and wants to? start banning them in new homes by 2025. The Gateway Pundit reported that the primary…” - Thegatewaypundit.com
- Gov. Hochul, Democrats, if you mess with my gas stove, you'll get burned
- 3-in-4 Americans anticipate new gas stove ban despite regulators saying otherwise
- Debunking the Research Behind the Gas-Stove Hysteria
- No, The Feds Aren't Coming For Your Gas Stove