President Trump Wins Senior Club Championship at his Trump International Golf Club
Added 01-23-23 08:41:01pm EST - “The corrupt Mainstream Media won't tell you this but President Trump won the Senior Club Championship at his Trump International Golf Club over the weekend.? President Trump shared in a Truth on Sunday: A great honor to have won the…” - Thegatewaypundit.com
Posted By TheNewsCommenter: From Thegatewaypundit.com: “President Trump Wins Senior Club Championship at his Trump International Golf Club”. Below is an excerpt from the article.
A great honor to have won the Senior Club Championship at Trump International Golf Club, one of the best courses in the Country, in Palm Beach County, Florida. Competed against many fine golfers, and was hitting the ball long and straight. The reason that I announce this on fabulous TRUTH is that, in a very real way, it serves as a physical exam, only MUCH tougher. You need strength and stamina to WIN, & I have strength & stamina - most others don’t. You also need strength & stamina to GOVERN!
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It’s true, President Trump is in terrific shape. He wins a golf tourney in Florida on Sunday after spending Saturday at the memorial service for Diamond of Diamond and Silk in North Carolina.
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RT @kendallbaker: “Trump announced on his social media platform on Tuesday that he won the Senior Club Championship at Trump International…

“… Trump announced on his social media platform on Tuesday that he won the Senior Club Championship at Trump Intern… https://t.co/lMDa9i2PP7

“Trump announced on his social media platform on Tuesday that he won the Senior Club Championship at Trump Internat… https://t.co/B5AzSeU5os

Trump said he won the Senior Club Championship at Trump International Golf Club last weekend even though he didn’t… https://t.co/I9izH2vCmy
SHOCKER: Donald Trump Captures Club Championship at Trump International Golf Club https://t.co/UyceBBpLgW