A 'medical cost-sharing' plan left this minister to pay most of his $160,000 bill
Added 01-09-23 10:07:03am EST - “Instead of health insurance, the Rev. Jeff King had signed up for an alternative that left members of the plan to share the costs of health care. That meant lower premiums, but a huge hospital bill.” - Npr.org
Posted By TheNewsCommenter: From Npr.org: “A 'medical cost-sharing' plan left this minister to pay most of his $160,000 bill”. Below is an excerpt from the article.
Jeff and Kareen King received a hospital bill for $160,000 a few weeks after Jeff had a procedure to restore his heart rhythm. Bram Sable-Smith/KHN hide caption
Jeff and Kareen King received a hospital bill for $160,000 a few weeks after Jeff had a procedure to restore his heart rhythm.
Kareen King calls it "the ultimate paradox": The hospital that saved her husband Jeff's heart also broke it.
What Happened Jeff King, of Lawrence, Kan., needed his heart rhythm restored to normal with a procedure called an ablation — sooner rather than later, his doctor said. Jeff asked the hospital for a cost estimate, but said he didn't hear back before his scheduled surgery in January 2021 at Stormont Vail Health in Topeka, Kan.
The real pain came when the bill arrived in the mail a few weeks later. The Kings, who were uninsured at the time, were on the hook for nearly all of the cost.
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Jeff joined a "medical cost sharing plan" expecting help with his medical bills. Instead, he was left with $160,000… https://t.co/YabXsiJPyH

@irvbaker33 @JerasIkehorn Cap is presently $160,200. The Social Security Expansion Act adds $200/month to benefits… https://t.co/QQlxisDNgM

RT @WAHealthEnroll: Why we don't offer these. 'Medical cost-sharing' plan left this pastor on the hook for much of a $160,000 bill https://…

Why we don't offer these. 'Medical cost-sharing' plan left this pastor on the hook for much of a $160,000 bill https://t.co/yHLtE8zN5o
@PatjMason Johnson hired a Richard Sharp (£160,000 p.a) to chair the BBC as Sharp at same time helped fix a loan… https://t.co/Z4Smc73HCS