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Tucker Carlson Says Big Pharma's Lobbying Of ‘Politicians' Has ‘Paid Off'

Added 01-26-23 11:16:02pm EST - “Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Thursday that lobbying by major pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer "paid off" for the company, citing Project Veritas.” - Dailycaller.com


Posted By TheNewsCommenter: From Dailycaller.com: “Tucker Carlson Says Big Pharma’s Lobbying Of ‘Politicians’ Has ‘Paid Off’”. Below is an excerpt from the article.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Thursday that Big Pharma’s lobbying of “politicians” has “paid off,” citing drugs being advertised directly to consumers and government vaccine mandates.

“How powerful, exactly, are the big pharmaceutical companies in this country? Well, that’s a big question and there are a lot of ways to measure it, but here are a few ways you can measure it,” Carlson, an honorary member of the Daily Caller News Foundation’s board, said. “In this country, Big Pharma can advertise drugs directly to consumers. That’s a little strange if you think about it, since consumers don’t prescribe drugs, doctors do. So, why are the drugs being advertised directly to consumers?” (RELATED: COVID Vaccine Manufacturer Pressured Twitter To Censor Anti-Pharma Activists, Emails Show)

The United States was one of only two countries in the world that allowed prescription drugs to be marketed directly to consumers, Carlson noted.

“It may not surprise you that in this country, drug companies spend more on lobbying Congress than any other industry. A lot more than any other industry. They don’t do it by accident,” Carlson said. “They do it because it pays off in a deal like this. A pretty remarkable deal that drug companies have worked out with politicians.”

“The government uses your tax dollars to buy billions’ worth of their products and then in some cases forces you to use those products. Sometimes those products work and sometimes they don’t work. And some cases the products can injure you but no matter what happens, there is nothing you can do about it, because politicians have given these companies complete immunity. If their products hurt or kill you, you cannot sue them. You are not even really allowed to complain about it. That’s an incredible deal,” Carlson, an honorary member of the Daily Caller News Foundation’s board, said.


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