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The touch part of a touchscreen Mac is a touchy task

Added 01-17-23 07:15:03am EST - “If the rumors are to be believed, a touchscreen Mac needs a lot more than a new display.” - Macworld.com


Posted By TheNewsCommenter: From Macworld.com: “The touch part of a touchscreen Mac is a touchy task”. Below is an excerpt from the article.

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Actually, let’s stop there for a second. Are we all clear on why rumors are to be considered flighty, unpredictable things that are not to be trusted, like pixies, fairies, and Ruby developers? Sure, these days you can expect your Marks Gurman, your Mings-Chi Kuo to have a reasonably high success rate. But back when the Macalope was a young buck, Apple rumors were a real crap shoot. And not the dice game, either. They were like going out to the field and shooting cow patties. Just an absolute mess and nothing was gained.

Throughout the late ‘90s, there were rumors of a set-top box. “It was real!” they’d say. “Apple is working on it!” It probably was, but this was something the company wouldn’t ship for another 10 years.

Now, let’s take some rumors at face value. You’re not the boss of me, Macalope from 15 seconds ago.

According to the aforementioned Gurman, Apple will soon “defy long-held company orthodoxy” and add touch screens to Macs. Yes, Apple has famously decried touchscreen desktop computers in the past as an ergonomic nightmare, but let’s face it: the company has said any number of things that it later reversed course on. It said “If you see a stylus, they blew it,” then shipped the Apple Pencil. It said professional laptops only need USB-C connectors, then shipped new MacBook Pros with MagSafe, HDMI, and an SD card slot. It said its “sweet solution” for developing apps for iOS was web apps then unveiled the App Store. It showed us the glory that is Bob Mansfield, then it let him retire.


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