Yeah, actually, your plastic coffee pod may not be great for the planet
Added 01-21-23 09:07:02am EST - “Across social media, headlines this week said that single use coffee pods may be more climate friendly than other ways of making coffee. That may not be the case, based on the science.” - Npr.org
Posted By TheNewsCommenter: From Npr.org: “Yeah, actually, your plastic coffee pod may not be great for the planet ”. Below is an excerpt from the article.
A display of Starbucks coffee pods at a Costco Warehouse in Pennsylvania. A recent article says using coffee pods might be better for the climate, but the science is far from settled. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar) Gene J. Puskar/AP hide caption
A display of Starbucks coffee pods at a Costco Warehouse in Pennsylvania. A recent article says using coffee pods might be better for the climate, but the science is far from settled. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)
You may have come across news headlines about coffee this week, like this one from the BBC: "Coffee pod carbon footprint better for planet than filtered brew."
The stories are about a short article published earlier this month that says single-use coffee pods may be better for the climate than other forms of coffee preparation.
The coverage by social media and news outlets came as good news to lots of people who have single-use coffee makers, since they've heard for years that the disposable metal and plastic capsules in their machines harm the environment. Columnist Matthew Yglesias tweeted out: "Vindication".
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You may have seen headlines all over social media this week declaring that single-use coffee pods are climate-frien… https://t.co/IN2PDnQTnv

Yeah, actually, your plastic coffee pods may not be great for the climate. We looked up peer-reviewed research an… https://t.co/A98F4aVvXh

RT @EcofriendlyBeer: Yeah, actually, your single-use #plastic coffee pod may not be great for the #climate [or the #environment]. https://…

RT @EcofriendlyBeer: Yeah, actually, your single-use #plastic coffee pod may not be great for the #climate [or the #environment]. https://…
You may have seen headlines all over social media declaring that single-use coffee pods are climate-friendly. Wel… https://t.co/4AkPxSoWWo